Monday, May 20, 2013

Cinderella - Drama Lesson

For class the other day we had a drama lesson! We acted out Cinderella!!!! The kids all loved it and had a great time! These are the CRAZY's (that I talked about here and here) and they still are crazy but they are my favorites!!

Tyoma!!! only 3 years old! My angel child.

Rita and Natasha

Polina!!!! My favorite girl ever!!

Prince and Princess Dancing at the Ball.

Putting on the Lost Slipper

Love birds!!! 

I love Nikita

Awe so cute!! His name is Sasha!! He always says Miss Paige, Miss Paige, Miss Paige, over and over again.

Much like when I was little and trying to get moms or dads attention, “mom,mom,mom…” until they finally give in!!!! Ha-ha

Moscow - 4 Day Trip

After we got back from our quick trip to Riga and Vilnius we were home for three days before we hopped on a train to Moscow for a new four day vacation!! Ha Ha…, I needed a vacation from my vacations!!

Day 1
We rode a night train that was about 8 or 9 hours long! It was my first time on a sleeping train but I loved it. There were 2 beds on bottom then 2 more up top! I always slept on the bottom. It was not that comfortable but it was fun!!

At the end of the train ride we exited the train and stepped foot on Moscow soil!! Yes, I was in Moscow! CRAZY! It was Victory Day and Jessie’s birthday all in one! We proceeded to find (try to find) where the 2013 Moscow Victory Day Parade would be. Sam and Jessie had their phones and iPad’s with the directions and information on it. We thought that would make it easy, but nope!! We walked up and down the street many times. Yes, it was the same street. The funny part was there where military men standing in formation while we walked up and down the street!! We passed them a total of 5 times! We finally found the parade and watched it. It was over so fast.  The entire parade was army trucks. It was just the army trucks! But it was very cool!

Then we ate breakfast at McDonalds!! Ha ha…, haven’t had that it months!! (Okay, maybe almost every day) Then we heard there was going to be an airshow so we hurried with the crowd of people and ended up getting stuck in a huge group of Russians. For some reason they were all smelly Russians!! It was crazy!!  We saw the air show from within the smelly group! Did I mention they were smelly?

After the parade and smelly airshow we made our way to the hostel we had reserved. It was across the bridge and in with apartment complexes! But the great part was we were just 15 min away from Moscow’s famous Red Square! It’s a Prime spot!

We rested a little and unloaded our backpacks then headed to the Novodevichy (New Maiden) Convent. It was established hundreds of years ago in the year 1524. On the way there we had to stop at the store and get huge water bottles so we wouldn’t die of dehydration! We left the store with our water… not knowing we left Jessica at the store! We didn’t realize it until we arrived at the Convent!!! Sam had to run all the way back!

When we finally entered the grounds of the Convent we saw rows and rows of tulips!! I was in heaven! I love tulips! Yellow, pink, red, orange, they were so beautiful!  We walked around and took many pictures!  We also walked around the lake that was right next to it! Moscow was so green and beautiful!

Later that night we finally made it to Red Square. We couldn’t go earlier because Vladmir Putin the president of Russia was speaking there and it was all blocked off! We were able to get in later in the evening after security left the area. While we were there we found a place on the bridge to watch the fireworks! They started at 10:00 because it was still light at 9:30! We waited and saw fireworks on both sides of the bridge! We hardly knew where to look because the fireworks were exploding everywhere, all around us! After the fireworks we went back to the hostel and slept! Day one was over and we were so tired!

Day 2
We woke up early and made our way to the walking tour! At 9:00 in the morning it was so hot! We had no idea it would be in the 90’s while we were there. So we suffered through the heat and went on our walking tour. At the end of the tour we watched the changing of the guards in front of the Kremlin! Interesting fact, did you know, the officers are required to kick at a 90 degree angle! It’s part of the marching! – There is a joke we heard that if the officers ever lost their job they would be able to find another in the Russian ballet! Ha ha
After the tour we ate at a Wendy’s!!! Yes a Wendy’s!! The only one in Russia!! After that we walked around on our own and saw the sites.

Day 3
We woke and hurried to see if Lenin’s Mausoleum also known as Lenin’s tomb was open. They have preserved his body and it’s been on public display since his death in 1924. Ya I know, it seems a little gross!! We didn’t get to see his tomb after all because it was closed. From there we went and waited in line to see the Kremlin and the Kremlin Armory! It was so cool inside the Armory! They had real imperial carriages from the olden times! And that is where the real Fabergé eggs are! It was so amazing to see them.

After the Kremlin tour we made our way to the market! It reminded me of the “dirt mall” we used to go to in Rocky Point Mexico! It was there that I got gifts for my family and friends! Then we hit up a grocery store and had a picnic in the park!

Day 4
Day 4 was kind of a drag. Sam was burnt red and everyone had killer blisters on their feet! Despite all of our aches and pains, it was our last day and we wanted to do stuff! Well some of the girls did! We made our way to an old town! Where there was a beautiful field of green grass, AND naked sun bathers!!  Ok, not totally naked but lots of speedos, bras, and thongs! But apparently this was not uncommon because the Russian people are very open with themselves! Ha ha. We got away from there and walked around the old town and then half of us wanted to see a palace and half wanted to rest. So those of us that wanted to rest found a tree and took a nap while the others went and did there thing! Later that day we headed back to the train station and ate a cheeseburger and rode the train back to St. Petersburg!

The Kremlin

Saint Basil's Cathedral


In line to get in the Armory
Summer Palace

Took a detour and climbed down a mountain!

haha kissing a cow!!! wink wink!

Moscow at night!